"This is the Place for Abundance"
If you attend my yoga classes regularly, you know that I always have a theme or focus for the week for all the classes that I teach....
"Yoga Mind"
This morning, I finished reading the book "Yoga Mind: 30 Days to Enhance Your Practice and Revolutionize Your Life from the Inside Out"...
Floral Diffuser Blends for Springtime
Six months ago, I wrote a blog post sharing my favorite autumn diffuser blends. As spring seems a bit hesitant to join us this year, I...
Welcome Spring!
Last October, in the midst of the autumn months, I partipated in a 6-day yoga teacher training workshop taught by Baxter Bell and Melina...
Chocolate Meditation
Every year, near Valentine’s Day, I choose heart openers as the focus for the yoga classes that I teach – and I include a chocolate...
DIY Yoga Mat Cleaning Sprays
Recently, I was asked about using essential oils to clean yoga mats, so I did a quick bit of online research in order to better answer...
Welcoming Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice is tomorrow, Thursday, December 21st, 2017. The Winter Solstice is the precise moment at which the Northern Hemisphere is...
Sanskrit: the Language of Yoga
Pascimottanasana -- that's the Sanskrit translation for the Seated Forward Bend that you see in this photo. Did you know that? Do you...
"Fall" in Love with Autumn Diffuser Blends
Diffusing in the home is a wonderful way to enjoy essential oils aromatically – and to share that enjoyment with others. It warms my...
My Aroma Yoga® Certification is Complete!
For the past several years, I’ve been offering workshops that combine gentle yoga with Young Living essential oils – two of my favorite...